Swimming pool games for the whole family

Make a splash this summer with fun pool games that everyone will love!
Stop, thief!
Number of players: 5 or more
Each player tucks a piece of cloth into the back of his or her swimsuit, leaving it hanging out. The aim of the game is simple: to steal as many cloths as possible, while keeping your own. When you lose your cloth, you’re out!
Underwater treasure
Number of players: 2 or more
Throw objects (coins, rings or weighted sticks) into the pool and let them sink to the bottom. Players must dive in and retrieve as many objects as possible in 30 seconds. Variation: if you play with different objects, give each category a point value (2 points for rings, 5 points for coins, etc.). The player with the most points wins the game.
Crazy races!
Number of players: 2 or more
Individually or in a team, the possibilities are endless! Use your imagination and organise a thrilling competition!
Here are some crazy race ideas:
- Sing while you swim
- Use only your arms
- im with a ball in your hands or a ball between your legs
- Swim like a mermaid
Magic carpets
Number of players: 2 to 4
Each player sits (cross-legged or on your knees) on their magic carpet (board or air mattress) at one end of the pool. Once you say GO, players must get to the other side of the pool as quickly as possible by moving forward on their magic carpet with their arms.
Show your colours!
Number of players: 6 or more
Make up three teams: red, blue and green. Red can only catch blue, blue can only catch green and green can only catch red. Each time a team catches a player of the right colour, they score a point!
Water dodgeball
Number of players: 6 or more
Form two teams. Just like in traditional dodgeball, the aim is to eliminate the opposing team's players by hitting them with the ball. Players can either catch the ball or dive underwater to avoid being hit.
Famous whirlpool
Number of players: 2 or more
The aim of the game is simple: get everyone to swim in the same direction to create a strong current. When the current reaches its peak, everyone swims the other way. So funny!
Have a fun summer!